Sunday, February 26, 2012@ Sunday, February 26, 2012 by presscilla
yes, i know, i've been missing for 1 week, i think.
okay then I will talk about the sports day, but only the third day, ngehehehhehhehe :p
My name's Marvin
I'm a Martian
La la li li le la li le loooooo~
I'm Greeeeeeeeeeeeen House! & we got 2nd overall :DD uh-huh, thats my sh:)t. But our dancing leaders are not quite happy that day, cause we got fourth in our dancing, every green house dancers cry that day, twice. The first one was after we dance the hole thing we cry is because that STRESS RELEASED! & the second time know...when the results came out lah. Haih, sad man, BUT! I don't want too much of these emo things in my blog sooo, keep moving on. I can say this year my house dancing moves seriously HEN YENG LAH. but only clever people know, too bad. hahaha. Just kidding. I can say this year's sports day is the best in these 4 years lah. The senior threes also very cool & funny. I don't how to say its the best but they are the first house makes me cries in front of everyone lah, haha. Usually I only cries in front of my family, Liza & Heidi only. But they ahh... like that lah. Hahaha i don't know what i'm saying and what to say, soo, i'll just upload the pictures :)

Before we change our dancing out-fits :) CHEEEEESEEE! :DD
our dancing leaders :) Ah Qiang, Chloe, Adele, Ah Bong :B
Left Jia yue Centre Lenee Right Lovinna :)
Senior One Xin :)
UH HUH. OrangeLaura YellowLiza GreenFish BlueHeidi. yeng ji le :B
GREEN HOUSEEEEE :) hahaha, they're not ready yet :D
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Just Once, Please.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012@ Tuesday, February 07, 2012 by presscilla
I'm in Green House, I'm also joining the cheerleading.
Our moves are great, our formations are great, our stunts are great, our music are great, the other house also keep saying thast our dance moves, everything are really great, but why?! The sports day is really very near, why can't we be serious?! Our dancing leaders, Alex.AhQiang.Adele.Chloe, they spent so many days just to think out the best moves for us, they gave & taught us everything they had, but what we do was shouting tired, not serious, & not good enough, our dancing leaders, they are the best but we gave nothing to them.
Today, hearing them saying that we are not serious enough, everything was done BUT ONLY CHEERLEADING hasn't done yet, when our dancing leaders heard only the dancing part is not done, what would our dancing leaders feel? They think they are failures, they really need our co-operation lah, they almost cried in front of us lah, okay, now I really very du lan liao lah, those fucking asshole bitches always talk back, just shut up bha! Tired tired there, now only you tired meh?! What you do oh? Always come late & early go, you know the hole cheerleading very du lan you mah? If not because of what shit team spirit, everyone already scolded you. So sit down and keep quiet lah! diao.
So please lah, Jesus! Just this once, help us to solve this problem, help the senior threes, they really are the best, they really tried very very very hard just to finish the hole dance, so please help them, i beg You, please, just this once. Help All Of The Greeners.
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Take the initiative! :D
Monday, February 6, 2012@ Monday, February 06, 2012 by presscilla
actually i want to put the angry face de bha, but cannot so i put the very-happy face, hahaaha.
Last year was totally a shit. Especially my 爱情运势, omg it was a disaster! But I didn't regret about it, because I think last year was a lesson, telling me that I have to keep calm when I saw my crush, NEVER EMBERRASSED MYSELF IN FRONT OF HIM like last year. oh well, I have already get out from my last year's nightmare, this year, I'm going to find a better one, and hunt him down! AHAHAHAHAHAHA lol. sa po! but i haven't have a new target yet, sooooooooo I am now very rajin to find a new one, I won't wait it to come like last year, since its not coming, then I have to find it myself, I can't just standing there at the same place & wait anymore, I don't want to have any regrets this year, not this year! Its my first senior year, I'm not going to let anything or anyone to ruin it, DESTROY them if they do. I will be very very angry de oh! VERY VERY ANGRY OHH! REALLY VERY ANGRY DE OH! But there's still a problem, if I like him he don't like me how? oh no. That is a really very huge problem. I didn't have a really pretty face, no slim body, sometime I even act like a kid, a little hyper-active, & other serious issues omg I myself also a disaster oh! alamak! haih.
But I still want a boyfriend this year! :D AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
ngehehhehehehehe evil smile. I wish I won' fail this year :<
p/s : ARGHH! my skin has two colours, & sun burn! the most serious is that I have two new pimpels! omg this is really a big problem too, I was shouting in my room just now when I saw my two pimpels, I was like watching at it & scream & jump because of my new pimpels. haih. what a sad case.
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ngehehe, bye Milo :)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012@ Wednesday, February 01, 2012 by presscilla
This Post I'm going to use chinese, because my english very not good :( Chinese can write 'chu' 我的心声:)
我知道有很多人知道谁是Milo,酱你们也应该知道我那个那个他3年料,虽然断下断下啦,不过是真的真的很喜欢过他,连发梦都会有他,很像傻料酱哦,不过不知道从几时开始,应该是上个礼拜,我好像没有酱想念他,朋友讲起他的时候,也不会像以前酱激动,脸红,就很冷静啦。可能是因为他现在不在,所以就慢慢的忘记他料呱,所以现在.....我好像是放弃他料,毕竟都已经三年了都没有什么结果,应该是上帝要我放弃呱,Liza & Heidi 我知道我每次讲放弃但是到最后又喜欢回他,但是!你们也不要忘记,有几个月,我是真的有完全的忘记他的咯!甚至当时看到他也忘记他是谁料,不信的话问Heidi啦,如果她还记得啦,而且以后应该不会再见到他的啦,现在也应该有女朋友料,所以现在你在我面前讲关于他的事情,我应该不会像以前有很大的反应,最多跟你笑笑酱啦, kekeke, hmm, 讲完了,刚才我一打完我看回我写什么,才发现到原来我的华语也很烂,hahahaha.
酱 : Jiang 呱 : Gua 料 : Liao 咯 : Loh
ngehehehe, 2012! GO FIND BOYFRIEND! AHAHAHAHAHA jkjk :B
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