Sunday, February 26, 2012@ Sunday, February 26, 2012 by presscilla
yes, i know, i've been missing for 1 week, i think.
okay then I will talk about the sports day, but only the third day, ngehehehhehhehe :p
My name's Marvin
I'm a Martian
La la li li le la li le loooooo~
I'm Greeeeeeeeeeeeen House! & we got 2nd overall :DD uh-huh, thats my sh:)t. But our dancing leaders are not quite happy that day, cause we got fourth in our dancing, every green house dancers cry that day, twice. The first one was after we dance the hole thing we cry is because that STRESS RELEASED! & the second time know...when the results came out lah. Haih, sad man, BUT! I don't want too much of these emo things in my blog sooo, keep moving on. I can say this year my house dancing moves seriously HEN YENG LAH. but only clever people know, too bad. hahaha. Just kidding. I can say this year's sports day is the best in these 4 years lah. The senior threes also very cool & funny. I don't how to say its the best but they are the first house makes me cries in front of everyone lah, haha. Usually I only cries in front of my family, Liza & Heidi only. But they ahh... like that lah. Hahaha i don't know what i'm saying and what to say, soo, i'll just upload the pictures :)

Before we change our dancing out-fits :) CHEEEEESEEE! :DD
our dancing leaders :) Ah Qiang, Chloe, Adele, Ah Bong :B
Left Jia yue Centre Lenee Right Lovinna :)
Senior One Xin :)
UH HUH. OrangeLaura YellowLiza GreenFish BlueHeidi. yeng ji le :B
GREEN HOUSEEEEE :) hahaha, they're not ready yet :D
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