Take Nothing But A Memory.

When he stand in front of me, I realize that I can't breathe, think or anything, my heart just keep popping faster & faster. I'm trying to forget, but I know that I can't forget everything about him. So...I think I'll just save the memories that we had before. I'll just take the memories, thats all I want. So God, please, like really please, I just want the memory with no 'like or love' feelings in it. *praying*

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The Best Look Of Me.

Guess how unlucky I am today? I've been caught by a prefect because of my skirt then Mary Liaw caught me by sleeping in the class. Urgh~ I always try to give Mary Liaw the good side of me but everytime when I try, bad things happened. BUT! I will still give her my good side! *fire in my eyes* haha. Mary Liaw, I will get a pass for you in my next time although I'm not sure I can pass a not, But I will still try to work hard.study.revision every chapter you teached me (which is kinda hard for me) I will let you see my Best Side, someday. You know? Someday. S.O.M.E.D.A.Y. :)

Went to Heidi's house after school for the Chinese History project. But I have to admit that I do nothing but watching Narnia 3, hehe. Heidi was so focus on the computer finding chinese name & chinese words all these for the project & I just focus on the 'EDMUND!' 'LUCY' 'EUSTANCE' 'CASPIAN' lalala, oh! & the little mouse. After watching Narnia 3 I watch Rapunzel, & yes, I haven't watch it yet. Watch about almost 15 or 20 minutes Heidi told me that she was hungry, asked me wanted some grilled cheese sandwiched, of course is a YES, man! hehe. But when we were on the way for the SANDWICHED, my dad came, oh~ my sandwiched *sobs* Heidi, please left one sandwiched for me :) Oh, & Heidi was writing this '100 facts of me'. She told me to write one too & post it to the blog, hmm...see first larhh. Lazy orhh :)

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Letting Go & Move On


Every student in school, no one want to be single in their own high school life, except for those bookworms. Having a boyfriend or a girlfriend maybe are their most beautiful memory in their high school life. But not everyone of them have the relationship as they expected. Maybe he/she likes you, but you don't. OR maybe you likes him/her, but he/she doesn't. OR maybe Both of you like each other, but for some reasons you and him/her can't be together. & I'm one of them, I liked him but he..hmm.. I don't know, maybe he likes someone else? 2 years, form 1 till now, I admit that I got like other boys in these 2 years & 3 months, but trying to forget someone from liking another person, its not easy as i expected. All way long, I still liked him more than the others. BUT I'm not going to stand at there & wishing that he will be mine those stubborn thoughts anymore. Even my birthday wish is to be together with him, oh, how stupid I was, what am I thinking?! I should have wish about getting another boyfriend *ghost face* haha. Well, I'm letting go now, won't be afraid of him anymore. SERIOUSLY. Liza, I mean Mami, I won't hide from him anymore, but you still have to accompany me go larhh, hehe, and sorry for the 'controlling your life' case, really very sorry! & the most important thing is....

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So Wrong.

So? How was my New Template? Cool, isn't it? haha. Okay, back to the main.

I was ALMOST late for school today, what a fright. The first period & the second was Math, argh~ MR.GAN! Thanks to this Math teacher, for making us sleepier than before. Can't wait for the first recess. After the first recess, went for KHB class, we need to go to bengkel for KHB project. Then the second recess. Urggh~ Just skip to the third recess which makes my post logger everytime.

Went to canteen for FOOOOOOOOD~! well, actually not for food, for the ICE CREAM YOGURT. hehehe. What?! Don't give me the three black stripes face with the two lines eyes, Mr & Mrs. At least its G.R.A.P.E. Fruit, fruit is healthy. So, I was having my great recess with my Ice Cream Yogurt & my friends. When one thing spoiled my day. I hate my Club, totally. Why is my club location is THERE?! Why?! Last year I tried to get away from them, but because of my club, I had to face it. Thought this year would be better, but YOU DISAPPOINTED ME YOU THIS STUPID CLUB! @#$%^&*$%^&*^%@#$%^& You need to know that cats are Scary. You know how Scary Cats Are?! But they are Scarier Than Cats, MORE SCARIER, MORE MORE! Million of rude words are coming out from my mouth. *breath deeply*

Okay, trying to calm myself after this ridiculous thing. After the third recess, we had Chinese class, sheet. I didn't bring my book. I think my teacher knew that, she just hmm.. I don't know. Maybe she likes me? haha, lol. *I'm still angry about that club thingy* But my teacher suddenly talk about "中学生应不应该谈恋爱? " But of course, teacher says NO. & she talks about many reasons why we can't have a relationship. Then Ah Kiun was like :"Nah, nah, nah. Fish. FISH~" Lol, because i want him to like someone so he can prove that he is not homosexual, i mean GAY. Like really larh bha. Oh, that reminds me of something.

Liza, Please Forget About The Black Monkey & Just Fall For The K Guy :)

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Last day of exam, went to Megalong watch Rango.

ermmm, I forget when, went to Suria watch Big Momma.

The last day of tuition class, went to Suria with Heidi, Liza, Maxine, Laura, Ah Kiun, Brandon, Jing Liang. Watch Beastly, GREAT MOVIE. Its a little like Beauty and the Beast, but even the guy turned ugly, he's still hawt :D

haha, taking picture infront of the Magic Mirror.

Laura & Maxine

Liza & Laura

Laura & Heidi

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What should i say? I really don't know. But WE MUST STILL PRAY FOR JAPAN. I don't dare to see the news about Japan's, seeing peoples dieing.screaming.crying. This Tsunami.Earthquake kills thousands of people or even more. Maybe someone there watching the television saying :" Its non of our business. " Dude, Its our Planet, & only ONE.

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Hey there! Miss me? haha. Sorry for not blogging these days, because I was addicted to M.O.V.I.E.S. & I realize that when I don't post anything for 2 or 3 days, my readers are not going to visit my blog anymore. *sobs* So now, I'm getting my readers back, RIGHT NOW.

Monday, first day of exam. We have this Chinese History ( like why the hell are we studying history?! come on. ) & yea, we only have one subject on that day, but we still have to went to early like always. When everyone was taking their exams, we Junior Threes was laughing.joking.talking.playing. in the class. Because everyone (except for us) are taking two subjects today, so before recess that period we were playing but some of them are studying larhh, well, it suppose to be a studying period, but we kinda..you know.. hmm..WDC :) After recess, we have chinese history, & guess what. Our class's Lee Family PANIC. a.k.a Presscilla Lee Yuan Yu ( & thats me ), Lee Bang Xian & Lee Jian. Because we played on the first period, so we were panic-ing, but luckily there are still more than 20 minutes before we take the papers. So we keep quiet & memorize the 3 stories, & they cost 30 marks! After 20 minutes, teacher told us to put our bags out, three of us panic again. But I'm not that serious as them larhh, because I memorize all already, but they haven't. So PANIC larhh. Taking the papers, wrote the three stories first, before I forgot it. After the writings, started doing the first objectif question, !@#$%^&*#$%^&**&^%$@! WHAT THE F HELL IS THIS QUESTION?! okay, I'm sure that I FAILED this subject already.

Tuesday, the second day of exam. Having English & Geography. English was not hard, so I think I can get a pass :) Geography, urghh~ I don't understand a single word. So almost all tembak larhh bha. But when Heidi took my paper & started to mark I get 42 over 60! wow. That was cool. After exam, Heidi.Liza.Jessica.Jordan.Lois.Me went to Burger King, when we reach there, Jessica saw his ex & his other friends there, so she panic, then everyone in the car was panic-ing too. Her ex & his friends was like watching movie, they were laughing at us. Sheet. When we went into BK, all of the Maktab students a.k.a Jessica ex & his freinds was shouting:" TSHUNG TSIN, TSHUNG TSIN!" LOL. They keep repeating that word, Heidi was pissed, so when they left, Heidi shouted to them :" Get A Life." But Heidi regreted, she didn't say it on purposely, just you know, when a girl pissed, they say anything stupid.

Wednesday, the third day of exam. Having BM and KHB. ONLY ONE WORD.

Thursday, the fourth day of exam. Having Chinese and Maths. The chinese was hard, but i think i can pass it :) But the maths, yish. It was hard, plus I didn't listen much while the teacher was teaching in the class, uh-hum! I mean EVERYONE doesn't listen while the teacher was teaching, the teacher sucks. So my paper was blank, FAILED.

Friday, the last day of exam. Having Science and Sejarah. & you are right! I failed both of them. Yay! I don't really care about this two subjects, so yeah, let it be.
After exam, Heidi.Laura.Me went to Megalong watch Rango. It was so funny, hahahahaha.

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Sorry for not blogging these days. Busy.laziness.moody. But i will still let you know what i happened these days. But not in my blog. Laziness. There are these two blogs, best buddies :D Their blog will tell you :)

Heidi Chua Ching Leng
Liza Marie Liew Zhun Ying

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