Wednesday, November 30, 2011@ Wednesday, November 30, 2011 by presscilla
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Day 01: A picture of yourself with 10 facts.
Sunday, November 27, 2011@ Sunday, November 27, 2011 by presscilla
took this on the Logos Hope :)
☆ fact 1# I ♡ Potato!
hmm, i don't know when i started to fell in love with potatoes, but its really very yummyyyyyy :D i remember got one time i eat a whole ball of potatoes with just mushroom soup, hahaha, the potatoes was my rice, it was really good, maybe next time when i have a boyfriend, i say maybe lah, i will put his phone name as Potato, hehehe, I LOVE POTATO FOREVER! :DD
☆ fact 2# I ♡ BLUE.
its a little weird a girl who chooses blue kan? hahaha, maybe its because of Super Junior & Stitch? Super Junior's colour was Pearl Blue & Stitch is blue in colour, so i think thats why i'm addicted to Blue. I dream that if i have a new room, i'll paint it ALL BLUE :)
☆ fact 3# People call me FISH :)
actually its my nickname, i like it! hehe, because i really looks like one, hahaha. I don't mind they calling me fish, i think its better than my real name, cause my real name is too hmm, how to say, Pressccilla, its just too not me, Pressccilla is like for those skinny, quiet girls, but i'm NOT. i'm the crazy one :D
☆ fact 4# I ♡ boys with Big Eyes & a Cute Smile
not likie like, is like hmm, its only like 'FACE LIKE', if i saw a stranger pass by me with big eyes and cute smile, i will turn my head back & peek, haha, p/s : NOT FOR MY BROTHER, CAUSE HE'S NOT! :p
☆ fact 5# CATS ARE SCARY.
if you put a cat in front of me, the first thing I will do is RUN, the second is SHOUT, the third is KILL YOU, although the little kittens are cute, but i still afraid of it. urgh, cats.
☆ fact 6# I'm afraid of heights.
you can ask Heidi if you dont believe, if you saw me walking the canopy walk, you will never call me to walk it again. I even can't climb the ladder! maybe 3 steps, but i cant go higher, or else its gonna spend me 10 years to wait for me going down the ladder.
☆ fact 7# GHOST MOVIES, STORIES, PHOTOS & HOUSE will ruined my hole month.
If i saw one of those, i will one month dont dare to pee, bath, sleep, close the lights & make nightmares. so DON'T say anything about ghost in front of me.
☆ fact 8# I can make my eyes big & small in seconds.
because i'm 单眼皮, but i can make it 双眼皮 in 3 seconds. MAGICCC~! :D
☆ fact 9# I'm 169cm tall :D
& i'm proud of it! :D
☆ fact 10# I really likes to see LOVE & CARTOONS movies!
if you need a friend to watch something childlish, call me! i love to watch any movies thats its only for kids, seriously, you can ask Liza if you want. hehehe.
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" 30 Day Blog Challenge "
Saturday, November 26, 2011@ Saturday, November 26, 2011 by presscilla
Day 01: A picture of yourself with 10 facts.
Day 02: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
Day 03: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04: A picture of your favourite night.
Day 05: A picture of your favourite memory.
Day 06: A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07: A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08: A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most crazy things with.
Day 11: A picture of something you hate.
Day 12: A picture of something you love.
Day 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14: A picture of something you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19: A picture and a letter.
Day 20: A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel.
Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23: A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24: A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25: A picture of your favorite day.
Day 26: A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27: A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28: A picture of something you’re afraid of.
Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30: A picture of someone you miss.
Nahhhhhh! long lehhhhh. :p yeahhh, i'm going to do this all :)
look at their 30 day blog challenge! :D
- Liza Marie
- Heidi Chua
- Maxine Desiree
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I'm in love with this ;)
Thursday, November 24, 2011@ Thursday, November 24, 2011 by presscilla
Brian McKnight - Marry Your Daughter ♡
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My Birthday Present Wishlist, hehe.
Monday, November 21, 2011@ Monday, November 21, 2011 by presscilla
hehehehe, Heidi & Liza, dont need lah :) I already know what they want to give me for my birthday present. BUT! anyone who see this post, DO NOT IGNORE!!! Save your money & buy me one of these because my birthday is 3 months later, you'll have enough time to save & pay :)
moneyyyy! haha, shopping needs money.
Chopper! ( i already have my stitch, so I WANT THIS! )
A blue bag or a blue sunglasses? your choice :)
STITCH ALL EPISODE DVD! i reaaaally want this! I remembered got 'someone' said that he will buy it for my next year's birthday present, but i think he forgot about it. oh well.. pray that he'll it remember back.
Samsung Galaxy 2, hmm, i need many ang pau to buy this, hehehehe :)
Labels: bag, birthday, chopper, dvd, money, samsung galaxy 2, sunglasses
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I really reaally reaaally want this for my Christmas Present! :D
Saturday, November 19, 2011@ Saturday, November 19, 2011 by presscilla
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hehehe, i'm back :)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011@ Wednesday, November 16, 2011 by presscilla
look what i found! :D
on the newspaper
the popcorn box
Happy Feet 2! haha, its soooo cute! & i'm a little lazy for posting, but only these days lah, because of the make-up class. did i told you guys that i'm in the make-up class? hahaha, yeaaaap, i failed my total average, but its okay, its kind of fun in the make-up class, not boring but fun :D although its a little embarrassing. but its better than staying in junior 3 again for 1 year again, right? oh, and i'm the MONITOR lehhhhhhhh, dont jealous! hehehehe, not anyone can be the Make-up Class Monitor, your homework must be 'good' & many people likes to make fun of you, then you can be the monitor. i'm just too yeng, haih, cant help it, i was born like this & today in class everyone was talking about 'GIGOLO', HAHAHA! at the first was Abby was writing this on the paper 'slut=whore=bitch', then she gave Adrian Tan, then Adrian Tan ask me what does these words mean, so i laugh and told him to ask teacher, he doesn't want to so he said that i'm the slut=whore=bitch, so i scolded him GIGOLO, he was like:" huh? what mean oh?" terus me & Abby laugh, then Adrian was like asking the lower-chinese, when they heard the question, they just smile and said 'dont know', after that the hole class was talking about it, hahahahaha, lol. & the last thing i want to say is
Liza & Heidi I miss you guys!!! *crying smiley*
Labels: happy feet, heidi, liza, make-up class
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Class Trip & the Creepy Canopy Walk
Wednesday, November 9, 2011@ Wednesday, November 09, 2011 by presscilla
J3 Xin's class trip. We went to kundasang, for 2 days 1 night. I'm lazy to type everything out, so the photos will explain everything :)

we went to school before 9am, & this is our bus, woooo~ AIR-CON BUS *evil laugh*

2 hours in the bus, so we talk, laugh, & sleep since sleeping is good for our health :)
after the long sleeping, we finally reach the hotel! D'Villa is the name of the hotel, it was soooooo COLD, some of the guys were like:" wahh, its so cold, shit, i didn't bring my jacket." & girls were like:" arrrhh~! its so cold, i didn't bring my long pants!" then Heidi was like:" huh? i thought i heard someone said that its almost end of the world so its suppose to be hot here, WTF?!" hahaha, lol. after we settle our luggage, we take pictures! yay!

which one is better? :)

it was the titanic thing we wanna do, FAILED

after the photos, we had lunch, & we went to memorial park, to 纪念 someone....hmmm, who is blonde :)

i dont really know what actually are we doing. failed.
After memorial park, we went to hot spring. It was kinda warm there. But the moooooooooooooost horrible thing is THE CANOPY WALK, its okay with the 300m(?) of walking.climbing.CRAWLING the mountain, its the height i'm afraid about.

can you saw me? yes, i'm the white shirt girl. that time i was like this when i just walk the first bridge(look down)

& there's still 3 left! I was like:"Let me die! Noooooooo~!" when i walked the second one, just a few steps, i was crying like shit. & heidi was like 'lalalala' and finished the bridge, she stand in front of the bridge shouting:" Fish! Look at me! Dont look down! Think that i'm super junior! Look at me!" hahahahaha, lol. its kinda help, but suddenly the bridge was shaking, i cried harder, Heidi terus marah bha :" Dont shake bha! Diao!" hahahaha, thank you Heidi. After the second bridge, Heidi walked the third bridge, & the next one was me, the guys were also at the third bridge end too, so i think they know that i'm crying. but still i have to finish evrything, at the third one, thank god, the pekerja stand infront of me bringing me step by step, I reaaly love that pekerja. Then calming down myself, deep breath, walked the last one, it was okay actually, i didnt cry(yay!) still 10 or 12 steps before i finished. but suddenly someone shake the bridge behind me! then terus lah my tears, lol. I was a coward, suddenly think that i'm useless bha. haih. But still Heidi standing the end there shouting:" Dont look down! Look at me! I'm the new phone! If you reach here, you will get me! I'm the new phone! & the super juniors came here too!" hahaha, I was laughing+crying, i dont know lah. I just know that after i finished the last bridge, my tears came out faster, my heart was shouting:" Thank you God! I love you!" hahaha, it was a bad experience i have ever had. After the canopy, Heidi & I went to buy soem ice waters, we met the boys, they were like:"You okay mah? congrats worh, finally walked finish." I was so happy, i thought the boys will like laugh at me about the crying, but they didnt, i was soooooo touch! haha.
then we went back to our hotel, bathe & its dinner time! after eating, WE PLAYED.
Heidi & I running everywhere shouting:"lululululu~!" Everyone was so blur saying:"what the heck are you guys doing?" we just laughed. There's not many pictures for that night since everyone was so busy playing.

me & heidi stitch & orange

the boys, nice post small horsie ( the guy wearing blue pants & black shirt.)
after the crazy night, everyone went back to their rooms, some of them sleep 5 hours, some of them 3 hours, some of them even only 1 hour, crazy people. haha. Woke up at 6 45am, ate our breakfast at 8 30am, & the weather was colder than yesterday because that night, there were rain & big winds all night. After eating, we had games!

hahaha, we played the lip-stick, but only the guy with red jacket, he played with the make-ups. hahaha.
& its time to pack up our luggage, then went to had our lunch at 12pm.

after then went to national park.

the hotel in national park, WE SAW A CUTE GUY THERE *evil smile*

we almost get lost. lol.
1 30pm, we went back kk. it took 2 hours to back to our school.

last photo in the bus :)
it was a really great trip! Thanks to Heidi, Lau Zhang Yin, Adam, Jasmine, Lenee & Ethan for the photos! :)
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Greyson Chance & One Direction.
Friday, November 4, 2011@ Friday, November 04, 2011 by presscilla

Left : Greyson Chance Right : one Direction
Liza and i went to heidi's house today to make a music video Greyson Chance - Unfriend You, To win four tickets in the competition to see Greyson Chance face to face. Its a Lip Singing mv. Hahaha, I know Heidi really wants to see him, Kahsian Brandon. :) I wish Heidi can win it because our video is really very awesome, we are just too COOL

And One Direction's <Forever Young>

P/s: Greyson Chance is just 14.
Labels: Greyson Chance, music videos, one direction, tickets
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011@ Wednesday, November 02, 2011 by presscilla
I just got my early christmas present from God :) It was 'awesome'.

I'm okay with it, because i already knew that i'm going to fail since my first semester average only get 57.85. The problem is my mom & dad. How should i tell them? I'm totally dead.

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Hi, I'm finally updating my blog. *smiley*
Tuesday, November 1, 2011@ Tuesday, November 01, 2011 by presscilla
Yes, I'm back. I'm not posting Pictures this time, because Heidi called me to post words, no pictures, she missed my words, hahahahhahaha. lol. hmmmmmmm, seriously, I DONT KNOW WHAT TO TYPE OR....Okay! I've decided what to post *evil face*
Title : Second day of school
after the 3 Big Exams.
after the 3 Big Exams.
Oh, right. did i mention that I already finished my PMR, UEC MOCK & UEC exams? woah~~!! Its finally finish!

Okayyy, lets talk about today.
My class has 2 lousy air conditioners. We told the General Office many times, I think over 30 times we told them that our air conditioners are not cold and even make noisy sounds. But they skip.skipp.skippp. Buck them. 

hahaha, I'm in Tshung Tsin for 3 years and this kind of situation is first time i met, hahaha, its still funny but COOL. They change their uniform to their house t-shirts, holding their pom-poms & ran the hole school singing anthem. 

Today I saw him five times, IN A DAY! hahahahahahaha! trying to capture his smile so i will remember even if he's not int the school anymore. I really like guys who have cute smiles *evil face* hahaha, i know he didn't have that cute smile, but he has the special smile. hahaha, lol. So I was like :" Fish, keep looking at him, don't care about his friends, just keep looking, caputure his smile, keep.keep.keep looking." Ya, I told that myself everytime i saw him today, because i don't think i have the second chance like this. & he changed his specs! much better, his old specs doesn't suits him. my friends said that nothing different, but i really think there are great difference. I don't know where, just different :) I'll capture more of his other expressions tomorrow *devil laugh* keep looking, keep looking, keep keep keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, loooooooooooooooking. :D
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