4. Random
Tuesday, May 31, 2011@ Tuesday, May 31, 2011 by presscilla
Yeaap. This is my new hair style.

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3, Random
@ Tuesday, May 31, 2011 by presscilla
Hahaha, look how awesome Tumblr pictures are right now.

1 universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas, 6 billion people and I'm still single.

Two of your friends whisper right in front of you.

A school year in review:
First day of school [[when you see your friends]]: 
Midterm exams:

Christmas break:

Start of second semester:

Spring break:

Returning again:

Final exams:

Summer vacation:

After one week of vacation:

“It’s noon already?”
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2. Random
Monday, May 30, 2011@ Monday, May 30, 2011 by presscilla
haha, yeah, its a random post again

Oh, and Heidi just asked me, why am I suddenly crazy about pirates?

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Saturday, May 28, 2011@ Saturday, May 28, 2011 by presscilla

Yeah, this is a random post, but i think I'll post more random post next time or later. hahaha

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Not Prepared.
Thursday, May 19, 2011@ Thursday, May 19, 2011 by presscilla
Exam is coming. But I feel nothing. I'm not nervous.stressed.serious. I'm still me :) Not feeling anything. & this is a bad thing, if I'm not nervous, if I'm not feeling any stress, if I'm not serious, I'm not going to touch my books. How can I take my exam without reading books?! Yes, I'm dead. Save me, Jesus.
oh, and i'm not going to blog any post in the next 10 days, i think. its exam and my brother is trying to get 4 A's to get his I-phone. haha, well wish him luck.
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Happy Jordan & Keith Birthday!
Monday, May 16, 2011@ Monday, May 16, 2011 by presscilla
Happy 15th Birthday to both of you. hahaha. Big liao worh. haha. At the left, the name is Jordan, at the right Keith.
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Disappointed .
Tuesday, May 10, 2011@ Tuesday, May 10, 2011 by presscilla
Believe that everyone knows about the video thats about a girl bully by her classmates, I think. The girl had been bully for almost everyday. And what the teacher, principal and the government do? The teacher knew it for a long time but the teacher do nothing. The principal told the girl's mother to transfer school. The government don't let them go to school for two weeks. WTF?! Malaysia seriously sucks man.
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Oh, ha-hi, May :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011@ Tuesday, May 03, 2011 by presscilla
Yeahhh, its May! hehe. Times flies, but my memories are still staying in Junior One. Everything feels like just happened yesterday. haha.
Went to school, my brother helped me with the KHB project, i mean the wood project. Woooh~ Mine was big, but when I entered my class, woosh~ theirs were HUGE. you know what i mean? H.U.G.E. Especially Heidi's one, huge huge huge. hahaha. Our first period was PE, don't know why teacher today that marah larh. At the first, he called us to run 2 rounds, but don't know why he called us to run again, i okay larh, still can run, but some of the girls can't run already, so they rest beside teacher, after running the extra round, teacher call us to run again, I was like :"huh?! again?! why oh?" My friend answered:" we didn't run in straight lines bha, and those girls use walk de, so teacher angry." Wah, I terus Volcano oh. But before running, some of the girls go rest again, so girls only left 12 or 15 there running, some of the girls run a few then use walk de, when I want to scold them, one of my friend Zheng Yin scold them, very valcano larh her, haha. Volcano than me oh. Thanks to those people who walked, we have to run 1 round again, this time every girl had to run, if we run properly maybe this round would be the last round, so I turn sensitive larh, when I saw who are walking, terus marah larh bha. Haih, luckily it was really the last round, hehe. But we still hjave to push ups and sit ups, sit up is easy, push up is the hard one. Sweat sweat sweat. Eeeeeeeew~
Hmm, I think thats all for today, no strength to type already, haha.
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