Its The Royal Wedding!
Friday, April 29, 2011@ Friday, April 29, 2011 by presscilla
Yeaaap, its the Royal Wedding, Prince William and Princess Kate. Its a important wedding, I think. Because everytime when I ask Liza and Heidi, is it important. They would give me the I'm-going-to-kill-her face & shout :" Of course its important! Its a R.O.Y.A.L W.E.D.D.I.N.G! Its Prince William and Princess Kate! Oh my gosh~!" Yeahhh, something like that, tonight they even skip their tuitions just to see their wedding on the TV. So I think its VERY important. Anyways, Congrats to them! haha. Wish them have a lots of Small Prince and Small Princess, haha. What a perfect couple, oops, suppose to be...Husband & Wife :) awh~ sweet-ness in the air.
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Caution The Hulk Is Angry.
Saturday, April 23, 2011@ Saturday, April 23, 2011 by presscilla
Today is Saturday. Heidi said :" KK HEAT." I was a really hot day larh today. The sun bha, gila sudah oh. Haih, today got sunflower choir held punya competition. Aiya, confirm mati larh. We just practice for 1 time, serious punya larh. We don't have piano, very yeng larh. Only we didnt have, we're just too too too too COOOOOOL :D hehehaha. After school, followed Heidi's car to her house to do my KHB project, need to cut the wood, but we took one houre to finish one wood, cacat lagi du.we no skill bha. hehe. So we decided to take some photos for our blogs, but its kinda a good news for Heidi only larh, because my face very fat orh. yer. why her face orh? why my parents punya itu begini punya orh? Yiyer.

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Addicted To Prosecutor Princess.
Sunday, April 17, 2011@ Sunday, April 17, 2011 by presscilla

Finish watching this in 2 days, awesome huh? hehehehaha.
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I Should Have Known.
Thursday, April 14, 2011@ Thursday, April 14, 2011 by presscilla
To Heidi & Liza.
You must be very shock right,when I told you that I like him, 'Seriously.Really.Impossible' These words must have been pop out in your mind when I told you right? Yes, I know, he's younger than me. Yes I know, he's skinnier than me a lot. Yes I know, I shouldn't have like him from the first time. Yes I know, to my character, you must have thought I wouldn't like him. Yes I know, we won't have a happy ending. So, I'm trying to treat him as my...Friend? hmm, yeah. I think we'll just be friends :)
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A Message For The Missing Heidi :)
Monday, April 11, 2011@ Monday, April 11, 2011 by presscilla
Heidi didn't came to school today *sobs* I just wanna tell Heidi that Heidi,today Me Presscilla Lee Yuan Yu first time I scold Iris :) Too bad you didn't saw it. Hahaha. Nothing special today, but Heidi, you are just a lucky girl. We have no electricity today, damn it! & the weather, urgh~ The sun bha, very 38 punya de oh, I need the Rain, not you sun, don't perasan sana *ghost face* But Heidi, you're the unlucky one too, because today Mary Liau teach us how to do our KHB project, but its okay, I will teach you, bwahahahaha *evil laugh*
I was boring bha. Yiyer.
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My Potatoes :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011@ Sunday, April 10, 2011 by presscilla

hehe, yeaaap, thats my new targets, trying to save money from now on. Huh~ I know, I know. I said I wanted to save money for an Iphone before, but I realize that Iphone is just too far far away from me, so..I let it go. But these two 'potatoes' need maybe more than RM 600. OHGAWD. I need my medicine. *deep breathe* They're going to be mine someday! *evil laugh* Just don't know when.
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Hey, look here.
Saturday, April 9, 2011@ Saturday, April 09, 2011 by presscilla
OHMY, this
Anyways, having fun at school today :) Get punish for 3 times a day for not bringing Physics Workbook.Sejarah Home Tuition.Practical Grammar. hahaha. But still laugh a lot too, oh well, its kinda MY LIFE :)
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I know nothing about 'SICK'
Thursday, April 7, 2011@ Thursday, April 07, 2011 by presscilla
Lalala, I'm the healthiest one among my best friends lehh *ghost face* I want to feel what sick likes. My friends told me that its not good, then the healthy me ask :"Why?" They anwered:" because you will have a headache, your throat will be itchy, you feel tired..." & many larhh. But at least let me sendiri sick one time marhh, Jesus, please don't love me too much, please~ hehehe.
& today at school, Evon, Elanne & me were super duper hyper today, we keep talking & laughing the hole day, but I'm always the unluckiest one. Because when teacher saw us talking & laughing, they only called ME to stand up & answer their question. Why? Yiyer.
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Blades are as scary as Cats.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011@ Tuesday, April 05, 2011 by presscilla
Nothing very special for today, just one thing. I cut my finger accidentally. I was very boring bha, so I play with my blade larhh. How I know I will cut myself oh? *sobs* It really hurts, I can even saw my 'meat' oh! Elanne sat beside me, she say :" Why oh you Fish? 你缺爱arh?" haha lol. When the blood 'comes out' the bell rang, so I ran to Heidi's seat saying that my finger hurts a lot then... Heidi panic, like VERY VERY VERY panic because of my finger, macam saya mahu mati sudah oh *three stripes* Liza was asking me WHY? WHY? WHY? & then the second moment, she looked around my class, then she asked me :" Fish, Ah Kiun eh?" Lol larhh Liza, Lol. Then Laura want to see my 'meat', & when I tell Jessica I can see my 'meat', she terus give me a 'O' shape mouth & saying that she's afraid of blood. hahaha. Crazy bunch of friends huh? haha. Even if they are crazy, I still Love them :)
P/s : 不要太感动 worhh. haha.
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April Fool! & sorry 'Dear' :)
Saturday, April 2, 2011@ Saturday, April 02, 2011 by presscilla
Hahaha, APRIL FOOL! So how was your April yesterday? Did you fool someone? Or you was the one who get fooled? haha. Me? Both :) I went to school early in the morning, while I was walking to my class, on the way 3 friends of mine fooled me that my shoelaces were loosen. Lols. Yeah right, like i will believe them. No one believes you on April Fool. Well, my April Fool Plan was kinda FAILED at school. So, at night I went to tuition, I fooled a friend of mine, I text him that I liked him since junior 2, haha. At the first I was thinking that since when I liked him, then Liza told me to say last year ( p/s: we tuition together. ), but the boy don't believe, so he rang me, I don't dare to fetch it because I might laugh out loud, so I called Liza to fetch it. When Liza told him that I really like him, I was laughing silently, Gosh, my tummy hurts. haha, but still at the last I still told him that it was April Fool. Hahahaha, & today that boy still playing with me about the call by calling me dear something. lol. Liza thought we was really together, Three Black Stripes Liza Three Black Stripes.
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