Saturday, February 26, 2011@ Saturday, February 26, 2011 by presscilla
Helloooooooooooo~! hehe. Long time no blog already,sorry for my laziness again. Yesterday was house party, Heidi & I went to city mall after school, Heidi bought two nail polish : one Green, one Dark Purple. After that we went to Cheer Up to bujy this necklace which we can put our names on it :) It was beautiful but expensive. Oh well, expensive things turns out the prettiest (sometime) Then we got hungry, & Pizza Hut was calling us, so we goooo~ hahahaha. When we went into Pizza Hut, we sit in front of this big mirror, I was playing with the mirror with many expression, & I called Heidi to play with me but she only play 1 or 2 expression then she stops. She told me that there was one girl was looking at me when I'm playing with my Change Face Game. Hahahaha, so I stopped. Heidi was telling a waiter what we want, it was a Male Waiter, I.WANT.TO.SCREW.HIM.UP. He just looks at Heidi while he was taking our order, when he gives us the drinks & everything. Dude, I'm also here too. Urggh~ I know Heidi is beautiful bhaa, yish. Never mind larhh, lazy to say about it already. After having Pizza, Desserts! hehe. Went into Veda Blue, choosing what we want to eat, Heidi wants the chocolate one, I want Strawberry Yogurt (Heidi said that it was delicious) since my Strawberry ice-cream is not there. When I want to tell the waiter I want this, Ohmy. The waiter so shy orhh! Like really very shy larhh. He talks so softly & he don't really dare to look in my eyes. So I talk softly too, I'm afraid that my loud voice scares this shy shy little boy away. Heidi's waiter was better but still a little shy, at least his voice is louder than my waiter. Yeaap, we have the different waiter to take our order. When we went out, I was saying about this Shy Waiter, & yes, she agree that too. & we like shy boys :D They're just so cute when they blush. hehehaha. Almost 2 30pm Heidi's mom & her small sister went to city mall take their lunch first, & we're going to Liza's house! I mean only Heidi & me. Reach Liza's house, & we started to plan what we wear to house party. Full of make ups, nail polish, dresses & shoes in her room. But we didn't use any of the make ups, nail polish? Hell Yeah. The theme is Old School.
..........................Connection Failed..................................
Tell you everything when I get the photos that we take on House Party. Hehe :p
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011@ Wednesday, February 23, 2011 by presscilla
heyy there! hehe. Sorry for not blogging these days, blame my laziness. Homeworks are getting Junior 3s crazy! & I realize that junior 2 & junior 3 is totally.completely.360degree different! I miss my junior 2 life. Well, this is actually not the main point. Today I'm just going to blog for my Birthday Day :) Not much pictures because I my friends didn't post it on facebook since only they were the only ones whose taking the photos on that day.
Went to One Borneo with Liza, Heidi & Laura, the bad thing is Jessica can't come. *sobs* Went to New York, actually I want to go eat Secret Recipe, I miss Secret Recipe so muchhhhhh! But Heidi said that she didn't went to New York before, then okay larhh. Next time then I go Secret Recipe again larhh :D We ordered the huge burger! hahaha, while we was waiting for it, Liza & Heidi went to the toilet. So Laura & I was talking about this issue about her & her boyfriend. We talk about 6 or 7 minutes Liza & Heidi came back. So slow~ After almost 5 minutes, suddenly one of the New York waiter shouted :" SURPRISE!" & the hole New York was singing Happy Birthday song! I was so shocked, almost cried. So thats why they was so late. Hahahaha, almost have a heart attacked.
After eating we went to watch Burlesque which below 18 cant watch. Er-hem! *coughs*
Okay thats all :) Have to study for my KHB test tomorrow :( 4 tests in one week! Headache,man. I want a boyfriend worhh! Yiyer~ haha, kidding bha.
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The day before my Birthday
Saturday, February 19, 2011@ Saturday, February 19, 2011 by presscilla
OHMYGOSH! I just loveeeeeeeeeee today! :D 6 45am, went into the class & everyone is smiling to me & its totally weird! Luther was like :" Uiyo, Fish! Liang moi orhh!" So sudden. And then, pop! *a light blub just lighten up* Arhh~ there is going to have a suprise party for me right? said it in my heart. I was so happy and hyper before the first recess. One of my friends even say that my eyes shines today. hehehaha. I kept thinking about how my suprise party going to be? :D
Ring~! ARHH~! Its 30 minutes recess! hehe. Liza run to my class & give me my birthday present outside my class, & guess what? Its All MILO! Ohmy, I just love it! hehe. But the weird thing is that Liza & my classmates, they don't let me get into the class! I was thinking that, my suprise party starts already?! :) But I just want to peek in & see whats happening inside. But they just block my way with some weird topics. I have no choice but just answering their weird topics. But suddenly, Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to Fish~ Happy Birthday to you~ OHMYGAWD! TWO cakes! They was like forcing me to make a wish & blow the candle. So funny. Went into the class, so many presents inside there! So 感动, man. But my tears just wont come out, urghh~ My tears just wont fall down they just stay in my eyes for a while & Gone. But my friends was like :"Don't cry ehh. Nah! Give you tissue." lols. No thanks :) And saying about the Two chocolate cakes. Yeaap. My class ate it all, coooooool~ I can't even finish my one slice, but my classmates Like they didn't touch cakes for a million years. hehehaha. Kidding.
After recess, having this BM class, suddenly Iris tells me that there's one more present coming from.... When Jasmine knows Iris wants to say the-one-who-going-to-give-me-present's name, she terus:" SHHHHHHH~! Don't tell her first!" I was so blur, who is that mystery person? Ring~! Its second recess. OHGOD. I need to go pee! So I went to toilet, when I back from toilet, Joanne ( one of my Green House Senior Three Friend ). She was holding this mysterious plastic bag on her hand. She said that it was a present from Senior Three & Carmen, awh~ sweeet. Opened the plastic, & screammmm. Its Blue House's shirt! (with a stitch on it) I love it so much! hehehe. When I was so hyper something makes me dowwwwn again. Heidi told me that Laura was crying in her class. When I went to her class, Stanley( her boyfriend, my cousin ) was kneeling beside her. I asked why. Ohmy, its my fault. Because tomorrow 20.02.2011 is my real birthday, I only invited my best buddies, this time NO BOYS ARE ALLOWED. & I forget to tell Laura, when Laura called Stanley to accompany her, Stanley said No couple on my birthday. Then Laura cried. She thought Stanley doesn't want to accompany her. Its my fault. Telling Laura not to cry, Stanley also getting moody. But then, she's okay :)
Went into the class, Iris was like :" Fish! Where you go?!"
"He came just now! See! The present already on your chair!"
"WHAT?! Really?! Urghh~!Who?!"
"D.... larhh!"
"Harh~! Not funny lorhh. You buy the teddy bear then you put on my chair punya, right?"
" Noooo.Really he buy de. EVeryone here knows you love Stitch de. Who will buy you teddy bear orhh?"
"Don't jia jia there orhh."
"Really worhh!"
Till the bell rings we are still talking about this topic. & even Jasmine & Elanne also help Iris saying that is D.... who gave me that teddy bear & this the guy who i called him the mystery person, still don't believe Iris, Jasmine & Elanne :p Hahahaha, anyway, who gave me that teddy bear, THANKS! :D
The big birthday card from my class & senior threes.kept it in a box :)
This weird paper was sticking on the left corner of the card.
When I opened it.
*three stripes on my head* asking my Jasmine why she put this Caution paper on it. She replied:" Special marhh. And..*something very very very privacy*" I was so speechless.
Small birthday notes from my lovely class :D
The big card was made by Elanne & the stitch was from CPY, love them!
Presents from Mami! Hehehaha, Milos!
Jasmine gave me the biggest present, she's just so lovely! hehe, love her! & inside the pink colour korean snack is from Ester, thanks :)
The shirt & the sticker from Carmen & Senior Threes, Its Stitch! :D
Mystery Person gave me this cute little teddy bear <3

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011@ Tuesday, February 15, 2011 by presscilla
Hey peeps! :D Gawd, i missed you guys :'( Sorry for not posting new things, like I promise, I will post everything for these past few days & of course today also :) Its a little long but I hope you enjoyed reading it :)
First day of Sports day. Its Bazaar! Many yummy food to eat & drinks. Heidi & Liza need to look at their stalls so they don't have many time to accompany me :( So i followed Kai Ting, Kai Xuan, & Jasmine ( they are my classmates this year ) Having many fun & I'm starving! Didn't have anything in my tummy for the whole morning, but when I walk into the Bazaar-Zone first thing I saw was Mami! :D I mean Liza, she's my mom, hehe. Her stall was selling ABC drinks, so I bought one, its kinda expensive, oh well, since she's my mom, never mind larhh. hehehehehahaha. Then I bought one more drink again, forgot what the name is :p & I'm full. Full of water! Urgh~ When we walk into the Game-Zone, I saw a stall was selling Stitch's fork & spoon! *screaming* But I didn't have enough money, so Kai Ting bought it for me as my birthday presents. Yay! Love her :D Then we played many games, having fun, & then Mami is free! So she accompany me to everywhere, in front of her, I'm childlish than I was before, because she's my mom & i'm her daughter, hehehaha. She really cares about me like a real mom, I was so capricious, but she know.. Patience larhh bhaaa. I don't know how to say it with my broken english :( But still have fun with them :)
Second day of Sports day, GAWD. Time flies quickly. Like very very very quick. Getting more nervous, cheering.shouting.singing with my life in the camp, but still I didn't have a soar throat yet, awh~ :'( I want a sexy voice bhaaaaa. So I shout louder, but still NO. Nothing happened with my voice. yiish~ Heidi have a serious soar throat, like very serious. She can't even talk nicely. You know why she has a serious soar throat? hehehe. Because of B, her boyfriend :) Her boyfriend was running this...hmm, I forgot what the competition is, something running de larhh. She was shouting like woah, man. She shout the loudest in the camp when she saw her boyfriend running. But the good news is that her boyfriend get second, & thats good :) That night, Cahisky ( our dancing leader ) cried. Because the cheer leading competition was tomorrow & we practise.practise&practise. We was doing this formation, that is something like firecrackers. At the back there they need to do stunts, very tired. Chaisky called them to rest orelse they will be tired to death, kidding. But they reject & say they want to continue practise, Chaisky says no, she cried & shout :" 我要你们休息,要不然你们会很累,不要再做了." She cried behind the tree, I saw it. But they still want to practise, so another captain said okay, one more time. OHGAWD. Green House Spirits Rocks! hehehehahaha, everyone was so nervous about the competition. So we practise a lot that night, just wish that we can success tomorrow.
Third day of Sports day, 7 30am went to school, meet Heidi in front of the pagoda. Went to canteen's second floor. Senior threes help us to do our hairs, it was so coooooooooool~! :D Our house hair styles are the best! Our cheer leading shirts,pants & skirts are awesome, because no house make it like this before. hehehaha. 1pm. Its our show time, everyone was getting ready, holding our poms poms, deep breath. & the music starts! & there it is, we cried when we dance, because the music was stuck & we dance in the rain. We work so hard just to performed what we practise for the hole month, but what we got was tears. Our dance was the best, truly. We have many great formations, great dancing moves, & great stunts. We watch other house dancing, they are great, but I wish Blue House get first &yet they get it, happy for them. & then the many competition finals today, cheer as loud as we can, other house too. Blue House Camp was just beside us, Blue & Green are like best friends, so we always sing songs together, hehe. At the last, its the time for the results. Blue House get Number 2, yay! But we didn't get into top 3, we get the last, many people cried, but after a few minutes, we laugh with joy. Although our house get the last, but we are the house who have most fun in this year's sports day. Even though we didn't get Number one, we still have many good memories with the seniors this year :)
Congrats to Blue House that they finally broke the curse!:D
Monday, its Valentine's Day! I get 3 love letters from 3 lessbians, hahahahahaha :D kidding, its just my best pals write a letter for me. I didn't get any gifts from anyone. Awh~ too bad :'( & we have this GREEN HOUSE HULKERS MEETING on the third recess, haha. I miss them, I hugged them when I first saw them. & I heard a very bads news is that Amy, our house captain, is going to leave us and fly to Australia :'O When I heard the news I really want to cry. I'm going to miss her, I think everyone is going to miss her. After having lunch with the Greeners, we went to camp take some pictures, although the bell already rings, who cares? NO ONE. We just take photos, then we back to class. The teacher put us late, put larhh bhaaa. & that night, is the first time we didn't have dancing practise. Me & my friends miss the voice of the cheer leading captain, we miss that we have to bring extra shirts & a pair of slipper to change for the dancing practise, we miss that we went back home lately with a smelly body, we miss the dancing moves which we do more than 20 times, & the we miss the Seniors. My friends & I felt weird because the last two years we won't miss anything about the sports day, on one would. But this year was different, everyone of us miss it. & we will remember it forever. Green House '11 forever.
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Monday, February 14, 2011@ Monday, February 14, 2011 by presscilla
Sorry guyys :'( I can't post today too. You see, now i'm not home, Heidi's house here. I will be back on 12midnight :) so tomorrow i'll post larhh bhaaaa :D
& my blog skin is Credited by HEIDI CHUA CHING LENG :)
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Sunday, February 13, 2011@ Sunday, February 13, 2011 by presscilla
Sorry darlings, i will post everything about my school's sports day, green house & everything. REALLY. Because today is my brother's turn to play the computer so I didn't have much time to edit the photos and post something new. Sorry :'( I promise that I will post it tomorrow!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011@ Tuesday, February 08, 2011 by presscilla
Hello :) Sorry for the disappearance these days. Kinda busy about the dancing & sports stuff. Today we was having assembly on the first period, & i love this assembly, because if not this assembly i can't peek him for the hole 40 minutes, hehehe. But the bad thing is that my leg hurts :( The hole assembly was just talking about the sports day stuffs. I think not many people was listening except for the junior one students since this was their first time.
Oh, and Heidi was sick today :( Get well soon, honey. I miss you :'( & today was my most luckiest day & unluckiest day. The unluckiest thing is that i have this javelin competition, i have no idea how to play with it, so i hurt my back since that long stick 'bang' my back. But thanks to this unluckiest thing, because i got this small little letter in my bag :) my friends says it was my secret admirer since its unknown put it in my bag, but i dont believe since no one wants me, where comes a secret admirer? haha, they say the writing look like a boy, so they say secret admirer,lols. But i dont care who you are, I just love you! haha, makes my heart warm :) Thank you, really thank you. If can, tell me your name next time :) ( if you see my blog )
& today we have house dancing, no SPIRITS, man. Many people didn't come, aiyoooo~ Cheerleading competition is this Saturday already, can't we just co-operate? Yiish~ If that day you these always-absent-people dance badly, I WILL SCREW YOUR HEAD! So they better come tomorow. Or else, mati larhh them.
After the practice I was so so so so hungry! Because I had my lunch on 12pm,
& then i had nothing. So my mom brought me a Take-Away Burger King! haha, love you! hehe. Double Swiss Mushroom Burger, Onion rings, & Coke :) heeeeeeeee~! My favourites!
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Sunday, February 6, 2011@ Sunday, February 06, 2011 by presscilla

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Thursday, February 3, 2011@ Thursday, February 03, 2011 by presscilla
Happy New Year, everyone! :D Having a great day today? I already got some ang pao in my pocket, yay! hehehe, I just love Ang Pao! Lols, everyone does except for our parents, its new year they still have to take out a hole pack of money to give other children. haha, but it still new year right? Having fun & ang pao is the main point of this holiday, haha. & the most important is that you & your family :) If you are working busy right now, please tell your boss that you want one day off, tell him or her that your family booked one day of new year holiday for you just to see their son or daughter, don't let them wait. As for teenager like me :) Don't just only care about your friends, have a dinner with your family & no phones are allowed :)
Take care of your healthy, readers :) Don't 'put' too many OIL to your tummy, & don't drink too much of soft drinks, especially girls, you dont want to gain weight, don't you? Valentine is coming so you better don't gain too many weight :)
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011@ Tuesday, February 01, 2011 by presscilla

Its Holiday & February, earthlings!

I want BLUE ROSES & MILO for my Valentine :)
haha, so who likes me? heeeeeeee~! :D If you like me, please put it on my desk secretly,hahaha. Perasan orhh me, very. *In Reality* I will watch all my couple friends having their valentines presents, watching them with the B:)tch eyes. haha, kidding. I just wanted to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR, GUYS :)
Have a great holiday & play crazy! No gambling :X Dont lose all your ang pao money, you will cry to
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