Wednesday, November 17, 2010@ Wednesday, November 17, 2010 by presscilla
Today went to One Borneo to watch a movie

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

It was so cool

But Dobby and Hedwig dead in that movie

When Dobby dead, my eyes turn wet
Dobby was a good elf

It was so exciting

And I just knew that Harry Potter's full name was Harry James Potter.

Yeah, I think many people knew that before i do.
Its really very exciting, watch it if you haven't.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010@ Tuesday, November 16, 2010 by presscilla

I just realize that everytime when I feel bored

& I will post anything in this website
But everytime when I want to post something nice,
I just dont know what to post.

Hmm, what about photos?
I think it will do it

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Monday, November 15, 2010@ Monday, November 15, 2010 by presscilla
Today went to school with a bag which i only put my bottle and jacket, like always.
According to our schedule, we suppose to go to the school hall
& listening the songs who perform by the Sunflower Club.

But it was boring.

Because some of the songs i heard it before.
After the recess, its the dance show.

Some was boring but some was very attractive.
When the boring dance starts, Heidi and I slept in the hall.
She slept on my leg and I slept on her back.


Very funny kan?
Hahaha, thats all for today.


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@ Monday, November 15, 2010 by presscilla
Sorry for not blogging for these days.

I'm too tired and lazy to update anything.
Have three match volleyball competition on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The name is SPONGEBOB. haha.

And our class boys volleyball is squarepants.
Hmm, we lose.

Friday had a football match lose again.
Gawd, not good.
Today was the final of Tshung Tsin Star.
Heidi - Xcelerate
Laura - Gisselle
Stanley - Free Style Nation
They was so good when they were dancing with their team mates.

Hahaha, and I just gave Heidi her birthday present, finally.
Before recess, everything was okay.
But Senior Twos student suddenly come in and sit in front of me.
Aren't they suppose to be in class having SPM classes?

Lols. They were so noisy, just keep shouting.
But their voices make us more high.
But the other people doesn't think like this.
The other people keep scolding them

beside of me is some senior one girls.
One of them was so fierce, she scold the Senior Two boys face to face.
I was so shocked, like what-just-happened-in-here?

When the competition almost finish, the Senior Two students went away.
Suddenly i think that the hall was so quiet, not that noisy anymore.
Hahaha, anyway thanks to them for helping me to shout.

And the most happiest thing is that
Heidi's team get number three and Stanley's team get number two!
I was like bwahahahaha!

But the bad thing is that Laura's team didnt get.

But her team dance well.

Never mind, Laura. We still got next year.

And, i dont know what to say anymore.

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