Thursday, October 28, 2010@ Thursday, October 28, 2010 by presscilla
Happy Heidi Belated Birthday!
Heidi, sorry for not going to your house yesterday giving you the surprise party.
But I will still buy your present for you.
27 October :)
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Sunday, October 24, 2010@ Sunday, October 24, 2010 by presscilla
Today is Sunday.
Hmm, wake up in the morning.
Went to Grandma's house, after that, went to 1 Borneo.
Eat a small pizza (yummy), & strawberry veda BLUE ice-cream.
The ice cream was Mamamia! I just love strawberry! do you?
My right ankle was pain because I stand too long, stand at the same place for almost 1 hour?
About my right leg ankle, already for a few months.
When I play badminton, suddenly 'Ouch'.
Yeah, something like that. I suppose to see the doctor immediatly.
But my father say never mind, so didnt see.
Manatahu, now if I sit too long, suddenly stand up, terus want fall down.
My ankle was killing me! Gawd. So my mom took me to see the massage sifu.
The sifu say that I should see the doctor at the first time,
Cannot dont see. But till now, I still haven't see the doctor yet.
Oh well, ask my parents. if they remember.
Its 5 : 49pm, and its time for movies!
Hahaha, need to see my korea movie.
Bye bye :)
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Saturday, October 23, 2010@ Saturday, October 23, 2010 by presscilla
Today is the second day of exam.
Math & KHB.
The maths was so hard, I dont understand .
I'm dead. die die die and then... DEAD.
The KHB, i dont know. We'll see it when the teachers give me back.
But i still have a bad feeling about this.
Really bad. I'm just gonna put my head in the sand like the ostrich (lols,never will)

&look! Facebook just do something new again.
It just in the small little minnie tiny red box.
Hahahaha, just add me in facebook.
Lols, skip that. ignore it.
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Thursday, October 21, 2010@ Thursday, October 21, 2010 by presscilla
I'm studying right now, in my friend's house.
Hmm, should I use house this word? I think hotel will do :)
Her house really looks like a hotel.
Dang! I really want to live here. Haha.
Okay, I'll stop here.
Need to study :)
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@ Thursday, October 21, 2010 by presscilla
I'm studying right now, in my friend's house.
Hmm, should I use house this word? I think hotel will do :)
Her house really looks like a hotel.
Dang! I really want to live here. Haha.
Okay, I'll stop here.
Need to study :)
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@ Thursday, October 21, 2010 by presscilla
Its EXAM-ing.
And I'm still online! hah. I'm cool :)
Our school last exam is the best!
You know why?
Because we exam today and holiday tomorrow.
Means that we exam one day and its the holiday next day.
Uphh, my explain so so.. hmm, suckx?
Hahaha, anyway look at this picture!
It has the same theme as I have, not really the same.
At least its SUPER JUNIOR, right? lols.

Today is the first day exam, Science and Comp.
The Science, hmm.. I never pass this subject (really)
I just want more marks to make it looks prettier?
And for the Computer, well..
I sleep, I cant help it. It makes me feels sleepy.
So I do it, Nicely.
DANG! Its past tense already. don't talk about it already.
And Megon was so shy because of this Monkey.
Hahaha, oh! Megon is a friend of mine :) the Monkey is our classmates.
They just look so couple-ish when they stand together!
Hahaha, just the Monkey got some problems, GILA.
I dont know why Monkey don't likes Megon?
His brain get Bang by a car or what? Come on.
Megon is a nice girl, choose her.
wait, except for Megon there is still a girl who likes that Monkey too.
She's my bestfriend, Lizard.I cant tell you her real name,
& Megon also not the real name of my friend, its just a nickname i just give her 30 seconds ago.
Awwh~ Who should the Monkey choose?
If he choose Megon, then Lizard heart breaks.
But if he choose Lizard, Megon heart breaks.
Urghh, two of the girls have their advantage.
Ah! Monkey choose two of them! Have two girlfriends lorhh.
Hahaha, lols.
Those thingys, only can solve by themselves.关我屁事啊?!
We? aiya, step a side.
Tomorrow is Holiday! Loviie.
So peeps. Nights :)
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010@ Tuesday, October 05, 2010 by presscilla
He didnt come to school today.
First I thought maybe he didnt go to canteen only or I didnt saw him,
But his friends was all there, where he go?
Waiting for his appearance, but he didnt appear.
Where he go?
Is he sick? Or went for a trip with his family?
Maybe I should stop my love dreaming thingy.
Stop everything.
So, give up.
Yeah, i should give up, right?
I am going to give up, and I believe I can do it.
Just dont let me saw him when I'm forget-ing everything about him.
Just dont let him appear in front of me, because it will stop me from forget-ing him.
So I will go far far away from him, and his friends.
Far far away, far away from him.
As those Single peoples says
Single is the best, because you have Freedom.
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