Today is Tuesday, and I love today, really.
Because today was cloudy and rainy.
Its just perfect for a Fish just like me :)

Hmm, about my new seat, don't really get use to it.
You need to know that my old seat can turn back and talk anytime I want,
can sleep anytime I want,
can talk and laugh anytime,
don't need to stand up and say "Good morning, teacher" "Goodbye teacher" something like that,
can eat anything even if the teacher is in the class,
&the teacher wont notice me easily.
But my new seat was different, like VERY different.
Come on, what can I expect?
I sit in front of the teacher.
Oh my gawd.
never mind, after the asshole exam, I'm free!

Back home, watch a movie.
Princess Diaries


Teaching her about something 'Princess'


So sweeeeeetttt!!!
Gawd! I want a room like this.(I really want to say the F word when I saw this room)

It dont means that I didnt see this movie before,
I do!
I was just missing this movie,
so I watch it one more time, thats all :)
Anyway, dinner time!
Bye :)

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