Wednesday, September 29, 2010@ Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by presscilla

click it to see :)
When you see this please add me in the facebook :)
Haha, kidding.
I just want you to see something.
yupp, inside the red box.
Thats me, & my speech (lols)
I have nothing to do, okay?
I just want my blog to be more picture-ish.
And today is Wednesday, and its sunny and rainy.
Same as yesterday, weird.
My place was so so so so damn cold!
And I love it :D
I don't know why, but i just love cold & a hot hater.
I really don't like hot, oh well, as a FISH .
Sleepy today, slept in the class and get caught by the teacher.
The teacher is just in front of me, of course he can see me.
But he is a nice teacher, so he didnt scold us.
US? Let me explain for you :)
Because not only me was sleeping in the class.
My friend was sleeping too.
But you cannot blame us, the teacher was using a magic making us asleep when he was talking.
Urgghh~ I try not to sleep, oh well, it seems I'm not doing well enough.
I will try harder next time.
Nothing special today in school.
Still normal enough.
So bye :)
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010@ Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by presscilla
Today is Tuesday, and I love today, really.
Because today was cloudy and rainy.
Its just perfect for a Fish just like me :)
Hmm, about my new seat, don't really get use to it.
You need to know that my old seat can turn back and talk anytime I want,
can sleep anytime I want,
can talk and laugh anytime,
don't need to stand up and say "Good morning, teacher" "Goodbye teacher" something like that,
can eat anything even if the teacher is in the class,
&the teacher wont notice me easily.
But my new seat was different, like VERY different.
Come on, what can I expect?
I sit in front of the teacher.
Oh my gawd.
never mind, after the asshole exam, I'm free!
Back home, watch a movie.
Princess Diaries
Teaching her about something 'Princess'
So sweeeeeetttt!!!
Gawd! I want a room like this.(I really want to say the F word when I saw this room)
It dont means that I didnt see this movie before,
I do!
I was just missing this movie,
so I watch it one more time, thats all :)
Anyway, dinner time!
Bye :)
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Thursday, September 23, 2010@ Thursday, September 23, 2010 by presscilla

Halo! :D
I'm at school in the computer lab :)
Hahaha, and i'm blogging!
Well, that picture is not our school real computer lab, just want to make my blog more picture-ish.
p/s : I find that photo by google :)
Lols. Buduh.
Anyway, just wanna say hi :)
And I only can't blog later, this will be today's latest post, haha.
Because today is my brother's turn to play the computer,
&his girlfriend is coming to my house to do her computer project.
So yeah, latest blog, and today daily dog is so damn cute!
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@ Thursday, September 23, 2010 by presscilla
Its Thursday! And its really hot today!
The sun is burning me, from the skin to the bone, and to the blood and to the...
Just the hole body get burn like a barbeque pig!
Come on, I'm already black enough -suniie- I want to white not black.
So give me some clouds and winds tomorrow.
Be a good sun :)
And today in our class we have a new game again.
Something very funny but you also need to use your brain to think too.
Just like my name.
Lee Yuan Yu turns out Fee Fuan Fu.
Hahaha, something like that.
You can try it by using your name too. &chinese also.
We play it the hole period until the teacher scold us.
Hahaha, what a happy class :D
I slept for 35minutes in the Geography class.
I was so sleepy and tired.
When I wake, the teacher say recess already.
I was like " Wow, I'm good :) "
In the third recess, I didnt eat anything.
I need to practice the piano, I need to play it in the music test.
Well, its a team.
I was suppose to be singing but I dont want to, I dont like to sing when everyone is staring at me.
So I say I will play the piano.
But the problem is, I'm just a beginner, or I know nothing about piano.
Because of this, I learn and learn, my classmates was helping with the G, A, B something.
& something like use your first or second finger to press it.
I learn so hard, but one of my team mates repeat and repeat saying that I CANT DO IT.
I have two weeks to learn this song, why cant I?
Even my classmates are helping me, they say I can do it.
They are not my team mates but they still support and believe in me,
& you're in the team, why are you not believing in me?
I can do this ! right?
I will prove that I can do it, I will show you.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010@ Tuesday, September 21, 2010 by presscilla
Heyy, people!
Miss me? :)
Today is Tuesday.
Hmm, what a hot day!
But having fun today in my class.
We were playing paper aeroplanes :D
It was so fun! And I have to say that my aeroplane is the coolest!
Hahaha. Because my aeroplane looks like a real one * only for me *
We were having a paper aeroplane war.
Because at the first, I was so boring so I make a aeroplane and throw to my classmates.
My teacher was in the class, but she dont care even if everyone change their seats.
So when I throw one of my boy classmates.
Then he throw it back to me.
Then I make another one, so I have a spare one :)
Then, my friends make more and more.
So the aeroplanes was flying there and here.
The hole class was full of aeroplanes, cool!
But some of the girls dont like it when the aeroplane hit them.
So when an aeroplane hit them or near them, they will take it and put it in their desks.
But that make us make more aeroplanes!
Hahaha, pity them. They just want silent and we dont give them.
But when the bell rings everyone went recess, no one play aeroplane anymore.
But its still fun :)
And I want to be vegetarian for a hole month to get my fat out of my body.
Its quite easy for me, because vegetables are just okay for me.
No meat I still can live :)
And buhh-bye, stop here.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010@ Saturday, September 18, 2010 by presscilla
Must be very shocked right?
Why suddenly I dont use my old blog?
Dont ask me.
Ask Blogger.
I cant sign in.
So I make a new one, screw the Blogger!
Today is Saturday, and I LOVE THE WEATHER!
Its rainy! Suits for a fish, isn't it?
Rainy days rocks.
Anyway, its my bed time.
So bye and Good nights :)
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