Hi, I'm finally updating my blog. *smiley*
Tuesday, November 1, 2011@ Tuesday, November 01, 2011 by presscilla
Yes, I'm back. I'm not posting Pictures this time, because Heidi called me to post words, no pictures, she missed my words, hahahahhahaha. lol. hmmmmmmm, seriously, I DONT KNOW WHAT TO TYPE OR....Okay! I've decided what to post *evil face*
Title : Second day of school
after the 3 Big Exams.
after the 3 Big Exams.
Oh, right. did i mention that I already finished my PMR, UEC MOCK & UEC exams? woah~~!! Its finally finish!

Okayyy, lets talk about today.
My class has 2 lousy air conditioners. We told the General Office many times, I think over 30 times we told them that our air conditioners are not cold and even make noisy sounds. But they skip.skipp.skippp. Buck them. 

hahaha, I'm in Tshung Tsin for 3 years and this kind of situation is first time i met, hahaha, its still funny but COOL. They change their uniform to their house t-shirts, holding their pom-poms & ran the hole school singing anthem. 

Today I saw him five times, IN A DAY! hahahahahahaha! trying to capture his smile so i will remember even if he's not int the school anymore. I really like guys who have cute smiles *evil face* hahaha, i know he didn't have that cute smile, but he has the special smile. hahaha, lol. So I was like :" Fish, keep looking at him, don't care about his friends, just keep looking, caputure his smile, keep.keep.keep looking." Ya, I told that myself everytime i saw him today, because i don't think i have the second chance like this. & he changed his specs! much better, his old specs doesn't suits him. my friends said that nothing different, but i really think there are great difference. I don't know where, just different :) I'll capture more of his other expressions tomorrow *devil laugh* keep looking, keep looking, keep keep keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, loooooooooooooooking. :D
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