Caution The Hulk Is Angry.
Saturday, April 23, 2011@ Saturday, April 23, 2011 by presscilla
Today is Saturday. Heidi said :" KK HEAT." I was a really hot day larh today. The sun bha, gila sudah oh. Haih, today got sunflower choir held punya competition. Aiya, confirm mati larh. We just practice for 1 time, serious punya larh. We don't have piano, very yeng larh. Only we didnt have, we're just too too too too COOOOOOL :D hehehaha. After school, followed Heidi's car to her house to do my KHB project, need to cut the wood, but we took one houre to finish one wood, cacat lagi du.we no skill bha. hehe. So we decided to take some photos for our blogs, but its kinda a good news for Heidi only larh, because my face very fat orh. yer. why her face orh? why my parents punya itu begini punya orh? Yiyer.

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