Saturday, January 29, 2011@ Saturday, January 29, 2011 by presscilla
Having a cross-country today, only run at the start till the hill, then i stop. My stomach hurts, maybe the reason is that i didnt have my breakfast? yeaap, i think thats the problem. I'm so hungry when i
walk back to school, first thing i do is
LIZA! My second Mommy :) When I saw her, i really want to cry already. Gawd, i miss her
(p/s: we didnt saw each other for 25 minutes). Walking with her, saying I'm hungry.I'm hungry.I'm hungry.

But I only buy drinks because the canteen is full of sweats people! &I'm one of them, so i give up, since there is not many spaces to sit too. So, I give up my FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
&the bad news is
Green house is the last.
Oh, and...Earthlingsss Valentines are coming!

Waiting for boyfriend's presents? Can't wait to see your girlfriend's reaction when she saw your presents? Or waiting for a Kiss? haha. What do you want for Valentine? :) Well, I want Blue Roses! :D haha. IN MY DREAMS larhh bha. Hmm, I'll just day-dreaming on valentines day :)
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