Sunday, December 5, 2010@ Sunday, December 05, 2010 by presscilla
Gosh, i wake early today

its 8am

Early in the morning,
wake up from bed,
take my phone,
comb my hair,
rubbed my eyes,
walk to the toilet,
brush my teeth,
wash my face,
drink water,
yeah, thats kinda a part of my life.

I wonder, what are my friends doing right now?
Uphm, probably travel somewhere on the earth.
Waking in that freaking good hotel,
Eating something yummy, shop for something awesome.
oh, what a life.
oh! just remember one thing.
Travel friends, remember to buy me a present

if you dont, YOU ARE DEAD

haha, just buy me something and everything is going to be okay

& i think i just got a flu.

i've been sneazing for the hole morning.
pity nose. get well

before i was saying that i'll change my blog skin.
well, it dont really work out.
so, readers. How about the snow effects?

the snows will replace the blog skin.
dont you all just like the snows?
i mean the real snows.
they are just so beautiful.

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